Partners since 2017
The story
Founded by Paula Quazi and Nick Green, smol began revolutionising the world of household cleaning in 2018 after several years of product development. Paula and Nick, both ex-Unilever professionals, believed there was a better way to buy cleaning products: high performance, eco-friendly cleaning products conveniently delivered to your home at the best price, guaranteed.
Their success has been meteoric. They beat their year one forecast in the first few months of launch and have rapidly established themselves as the fastest growing household cleaning business in the UK.
Why we got involved
Paula was one of Mother’s founding clients, and we have always loved working with her. So, when Paula and Nick approached us to help them launch, we were confident not only in their capability but also we immediately saw the potential of smol to disrupt and innovate the household cleaning industry that is dominated by a few large players, and we loved everything about their brand.
How we’re helping
Working alongside Paula and Nick, we helped smol strategically position themselves as disrupters in the category. Alongside Mother, we developed their launch communication, establishing smol’s mission and core offering, defining and refining what messaging most appealed to their customers.
smol have successfully launched into new product categories, expanded into international markets and successfully raised £8m in their series A round.
100 million washes later, Smol has saved over 250 tonnes of plastic and over 800 tonnes of chemicals.